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    1. WildKay


      来自 米国非米人

    2. Jasonvision

      回复: 假的哈,和德普一样,都是假的~~~我一路见到了两个一样的杰克船长= =

      来自 米国非米人

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    阿拉斯加夜空,极光和星空永远让人无法抗拒。色彩在头顶的天穹绽放,只剩顶礼膜拜的冲动。舞动的光线成束成带跨越整个天空,精灵般变幻颜色和形态,星空银河是舞台,流星在喝彩。这一刻能听到天空的声音。 这是能让我怀念一整年的画面。 就好像越过冰与火之歌里的绝境长城,进入了旧神、森林之子、异鬼的世界,一切再不一样。

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    Life in the trailer

    Carlos Anthony Espinoza, Amanda S Mc Cormick, and their son Nosferatu Joshua Espinoza have been living in the trailer at Robinson Trailer Park in Athens, Ohio for 9 years. Because of the raised price of their previous apartment, they decided to move out, and Amanda’s father brought this trailer for them by 6,000 dollars at 2005. Anthony is a sales assistant at Shoes Department Encore. Amanda is...

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